- Pablo Ross received NIH NICHD grant “Chromatin remodeling and gene expression during preimplantation development”.
- Shannon Kieran (grad student, GVL) was interviewed along with several other experts on RadioBio podcast and spoke about the life history of vernal pool fairy shrimp and her dissertation research, using eDNA to understand biodiversity in California vernal pools and the population genetic structure of vernal pool fairy shrimp.
- Members of the Genomic Variation Laboratory, including students Amanda Coen, Ann Holmes, and Shan-non Joslin, attended the Bay Delta Science Conference in Sacramento and gave presentations. Ann Holmes received the "Best Student Oral Presentation Award”!
- Amy McLean presented “Behavioral observations, physical measures and owner perceptions in mules from three different countries” and PhD student Lauren Brizgys presented “Locus control and human be-havior as a preemptive predictor for good welfare in working horses” at the 14th International Equitation Science Conference in Rome, Italy.
- Francine Bradley attended the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) Board meeting and the Euro-pean Poultry Conference (EPC) in Dubrovnik.
- Priya Shukla (Gross Lab) co-authored "Rhodoliths holobionts in a changing ocean: host-microbes interactions mediate coralline algae resilience under ocean acidification" in BMC Genomics.
- Marcela Vilarino and Pablo Ross published “Mosaicism diminishes the value of pre-implantation embryo biopsies for detecting CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutations in sheep” in Transgenic Research.
- Pablo Ross published “Epigenitic remodeling in preimplantation embryos: cows are not big mice” in Animal Reproduction.