- The Donkey Welfare Symposium held on campus last weekend was attended by more than 200 people from 16 countries. Thank you to Chris Akins, Amy McLean, Caleb Sehnert and the Meat Lab Crew, Kelli Davis and the Horse Barn Crew, Ryan Vanderford, Jose Villasenor, Mark Rubio, Romeo Capell and Dan Sehnert for making this event happen!
- A Sheep Evaluation Clinic is being hosted by the department this weekend at the Sheep Unit.
- The Little International Livestock Show will be held at the Cole Facility on November 18th.
- Daphne Gille, Mandi Finger, Bernie May, and Andrea Schreier are coauthors on a paper about the use of hatchery delta smelt for recovery and research in San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science.
- Abbas Ahmadi gave two talks about "Temporal analysis of fecal coliform concentration samples collected from shellfish growing areas of Morro bay, California, USA" (in collaboration with Fred Conte) and "Development of ration formulation and enteric methane calculation software for dairy cattle in Ethiopia, Africa" (in collaboration with Ermias Kebreab and Peter Robinson) at the World Congress on Computers in Agriculture (WCCA) and The Asia Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA), Mumbai, India.
- Graduate student Aviva Fiske, Joel Van Eenennaam, and Andrea Schreier attended the North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society meeting in Columbia, Missouri, where the three gave talks and Aviva was presented with a $500 travel award during the meeting banquet.