- Emily Andreini and Sarah Klopatek were awarded W.D. Farr Scholarships from the National Cattlemen’s Foundation. These awards recognize superior achievement in academics in leadership. Congratulations!
- The department hosted the annual Purina Honor Show Chow Show Stock Camp at the Cole Facility. The clinic was attended by more than 125 people from the surrounding area, primarily 4-H and FFA youth, parents and advisors. Clinicians from Oklahoma, Ohio, Iowa and Minnesota focused on management, nutrition, fitting and showing.
- Jim Oltjen, Don Harper, Dan Sehnert, Emily Andreini, Sarah Klopatek and Maci Mueller attended the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association annual meeting in New Orleans, LA.
- Daniel Goszczynski, Hao Cheng, Juan F Medrano and Pablo Ross co-authored “In vitro breeding: application of embryonic stem cells to animal production” in Biology of Reproduction.
- Erika Paulson and Pablo Ross co-authored “Paternal genome rescues mouse preimplantation embryo development in the absence of maternally-recruited EZH2 activity” in Epigenetics.