Jan Roser shared the sad news of the passing of our esteemed colleague, Dr. Harold Papkoff. Dr. Papkoff was a distinguished and world renowned biochemist and comparative endocrinologist who passed away in June at his home of natural causes at the age of 95. Dr. Harold Papkoff who was a visiting professor in the Department of Animal Science from 1992-1995. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Lillian, and their two daughters, Jacqueline and Jessica. Dr. Papkoff was a visiting professor in the Department of Animal Science from 1992-95 working in the then established office for retired professors on the first floor of the department. He helped my program by guiding my technician and graduate students in the purification of equine gonadotropins as well as giving my lab many of his purified equine gonadotropins. He also helped others in the department such as Dr. Gary Moberg, Dr. Tom Adams and Dr. Serge Doroshov guiding them in discussions on the structure and function of reproductive gonadotropins as well as generously giving them purified materials such as various species of growth hormone and gonadotropins for their research. Before gracing our halls here at UC Davis, Dr. Papkoff was a member of the Hormone Research Laboratory (UCB/UCSF) from 1957-1991 where he was professor of Experimental Endocrinology and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He will be sadly missed.
More information can be found at this link: Harold Papkoff Obituary
Here is an additional link with information about Dr. Papkoff:
- Zhangyuan Pan (Zhou Lab) received the best poster award from International Society of Animal Genetics meeting, 2021.
- Sadie Hennig from the Murray/van Eenennaam labs won the John Clark Student Award for best student presentation at the 13th Transgenic Animal Research Conference.
- Many people in the Center for Animal Welfare attended 8th annual international Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare and the Farm and Group Level
- Cassandra Tucker gave a plenary talk “Animal welfare audit programs: what does robustness look like?”
- PhD student Blair Downey (Tucker lab) gave a talk “Onset of rumination and feed intake in milk-fed dairy calves”
- Recent Tucker lab PhD grad and now new faculty member at UW Madison, Sarah Adcock gave a poster about “Ethanol block as a long-term analgesic for disbudding – a pilot study” and WON the best poster award (out of ~106 posters!)
- Sarah Adcock and Cassandra Tucker were also co-authors on a presentation by Cassandra Reedman (U of Guelph) “Impact of plane of nutrition and NSAID treatment on wound healing following cautery disbudding in preweaned dairy calves”
- Allison Pullin (PhD student in Makagon lab) presented "The effect of pullet rearing on the distribution of adult hens in multi-tiered aviaries", co-authors included Richard Blatchford and Maja Makagon
- Anna Denicol presented “Physiological responses to heat stress of Holstein heifers carrying the SLICK1 allele of the prolactin receptor gene” as an invited speaker at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science.

Several ANS faculty and students from the Van Eenennaam laboratory enjoyed a day white water rafting on the American river.

- Catie McVey (PhD Animal Biology) and Tina Horback publish paper titled, "Association patterns across multiple gestation cycles within a dynamic sow pen" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
- Ann Holmes (PhD student in the Genetic Variation Lab and part of the Ecology Graduate Group) co-authored a publication that just came out in PNAS entitled "Poor data stewardship will hinder global genetic diversity surveillance" and here is a link!
- Khine Mon, Colin Kern, Kelly Chanthavixay, Ying Wang, Huaijun Zhou publish paper titled ”Tolerogenic Immunoregulation towards Salmonella Enteritidis Contribute to Colonization Persistence in Young Chicks” in Infect Immun
- Emily Aston, Ying Wang, Karen Tracy, Huaijun Zhou publish paper titled ”Comparison of cellular immune responses to avian influenza virus in two genetically distinct, highly inbred chicken lines” in Vet Immunol Immunopathol.
- Ying Wang, Pablo Ross, Kelly Chanthavixay, Huaijun Zhou publish paper titled ”Tissue resources for the functional annotation of animal genomes" in Frontiers in Genetics.
- Michelle Halstead, Huaijun Zhou and Pablo Ross publish paper titled ”Large-scale multiplexing permits full-length transcriptome annotation of 32 bovine tissues from a single Nanopore flow cell” in Front. Genet.