Position Title
Aquaculture Specialist Emeriti
Dr. Fred Conte retired from the University of California on October 30, 2020, after 43 years of service as a Cooperative Extension (CE), Aquaculture Specialist. He joined the UC System after serving seven years with Texas A&M University working for the Experiment Station, and six years as a CE Aquaculture Specialist and marine shrimp researcher. "I have loved and take pride in my affiliation with the Department and University, and look forward to its continued growth and service."
- B.S., Lamar State College of Technology, 1963.
- M.S., Texas A&M University, 1966.
- Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1972.
Extension Interests
- Freshwater and Marine Aquaculture Production
- Aquaculture Regulatory and Associated Public Policy Issues
- Aquatic Animal Welfare
Research Interests
- Modeling and computer simulation applications in shellfish sanitation
- Statistical analysis in shellfish sanitation
- Digital Information Dissemination
- Humane slaughter of finfish
Additional information about Dr. Conte's Programs
Selected Publications
Conte, F.S. 2010. Animal welfare: growing factor in international aquaculture. Global Aquaculture Alliance, (September/October) 78-79.
Conte, F.S. and A. Ahmadi. 2009. AQUARIUS: A Simulation Program for Evaluating Water Quality Closure Rules for Shellfish Industry. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. pp 5.
Conte, F.S. and Abbas Ahmadi. 2009. Aquarius: Shellfish sanitation simulator rainfall and water quality closure rule evaluator, version 2.0. Copyright 2009-2010, Regents of University of California. Software and manual. p 114.
Conte, F.S. and Abbas Ahmadi. 2009. Weather Processing Computer Programs. Copyright 2009-2010, Regents of University of California. Software and manual p. 17.
Conte, F.S. 2007. Global Competition and Niche Marketing: Organic aquaculture and animal welfare, potential tools for success. Proceedings of the National Aquaculture Extension Conference. Cincinnati, OH. May 1-5. 2007.
Conte, F. S. and AS. Ahmadi. 2007. AQUARIUS Version Release 2.0: Expanded Analytical Tool for Industry and Agencies to Evaluate Shellfish Harvest Closure Rules. Proceedings of the National Aquaculture Extension Conference. Cincinnati, OH. May 1-5. 2007.
Conte, F.S. 2009. Introduction and Phytoplankton I. 01-California-aquaculture.mp3. Aquaculture Podcast from the University of California, Davis. 4 min: 18 sec.
Conte, F.S. 2009. Phytoplankton II. 02-California-Aquaculture.mp3. Aquaculture Podcast from the University of California, Davis. 23 min: 13 sec.
Conte, F.S. 2009. Oyster Sexuality and Sexual Expression. 04-California-Aquaculture.mp3. Aquaculture Podcast from the University of California, Davis. 21 min: 52 sec.
Conte, F.S. 2009. Eastern Oyster and Natural Reproduction. 05-California-Aquaculture.mp3. Aquaculture Podcast from the University of California, Davis. 14 min: 37 sec.
Conte, F.S. 2009. Historical West Coast Oyster Industry. 06-California-Aquaculture.mp3. Aquaculture Podcast from the University of California, Davis. 22 min: 22 sec.
Flash Videos
Conte, F.S. 2007. 01-CALIFORNIA MARINE AQUACULTURE, and consideration for off-shore marine aquaculture, Flash Video 21 Slides, plus voice, 23 minutes 5 sec..
Conte, Fred S. 2007. 02-AQUARIUS-VER2 A shellfish sanitation simulation and analytical software for rainfall closures. Flash Video, 40 slides pluse voice, 29 minutes 7 sec.
Conte, F.S. 2007. 03-GLOBAL COMPETITION & NICHE MARKETING Organic aquaculture and animal welfare, potential tools for success. Flash Video, 18 slides plus voice, 17 minutes 42 sec.