Important information for prospective Transfer Students!
Planning on Transferring to into Agricultural and Environmental Education, Animal Science or Animal Science and Management at UC Davis from your Community College?
Here's how to be best prepared:
At your Community College, COMPLETE the following course series:
Agricultural and Environmental Education
- Inorganic Chemistry (equivalent to CHE 2A,B at UC Davis)
- 10 units of Biology (equivalent to BIS 2AB at UC Davis)
- Calculus (equivalent to MAT 16A,B or MAT 17A,B or MAT 21A,B at UC Davis)
- General Physics (equivalent to PHY 7 A, B at UC Davis)
Animal Science
- Inorganic Chemistry (equivalent to UC Davis CHE 2A, B at UC Davis)
- Inorganic Chemistry (equivalent to UC Davis CHE 2A,B - C; CHE 2C is not necessary for the major but if you are interested in Veterinary School, then we recommend that you take it.)
- Organic Chemistry (equivalent to CHE 8A, B or CHE 118 A, B, C at UC Davis)
- Calculus (equivalent to MAT 16A, B or MAT 17A ,B or MAT 21A, B at UC Davis)
Other recommended courses that you can take:
- Biology (equivalent to UC Davis BIS 2A,B,C)
Animal Science and Management
- Inorganic Chemistry (equivalent to UC Davis CHE 2A,B - C; CHE 2C is not necessary for either major but if you are interested in Veterinary School, then we recommend that you take it.)
- Organic Chemistry (equivalent to UC Davis CHE 8A,B or CHE 118 A,B,C)
- Calculus (equivalent to UC Davis MAT 16A, B, C or MAT 17A, B, C or MAT 21A, B, C)
- For ANM majors only, students are required to take the UC Davis equivalent of MAT 16C or MAT 17C or MAT 21C.
Other recommended courses that you can take:
- Biology (equivalent to UC Davis BIS 2A,B,C)
Ask your Community College Advisor what courses at your local college articulate with the above courses. You can also use ASSIST, to help you figure out what courses you need.
Want to guarantee your admission to UC Davis?!
Now you can! The UC Davis Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG) give California community college transfer students a written promise of admission in the major of their choice, one year in advance of enrollment at UC Davis. For more information, visit the TAG website.
**Failure to complete the General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry series will delay your earning a B.S. degree from UC Davis in Animal Science.**
Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions about the majors or courses you need!